Yanyan Huang

YanYan Huang b. 1988 in Sichuan, China lives and works in Italy, China, and California. Huang received her Bachelor’s of Arts from University of California, Los Angeles and School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her work could be seen in numerous group and solo exhibitions and she has an upcoming show with Ibid Gallery in Los Angeles. She is the founder and editor of Do Easy Art, an online publication dedicated to the appreciation and open exploration of art in all mediums and forms.

In her visual art, Huang is quite versatile, making paintings, drawings and even ceramic vases, books and dresses. She uses Flashe, oil, and ink on canvas and paper in her work, in order to achieve her signature style of big, airy brushstrokes that occupy the entirety of the canvas.


What are three attributes to describe yourself?

Stupid, stupid, stupid

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?

Myself because I enjoy my own company and have many conversations with myself daily.

Advice to your 15 year-old self?

It’s just more of the same

Why did you choose to be an artist?


If you weren’t artist what else would you be?

Baroque composer

Can you talk about technique?

Yes I can.

What do you want your viewers to take away from your work?


Are there certain artists, styles or movements you’ve drawn inspiration from?

Hermits, monks’ landscape paintings of fellow hermits, color stainers, Hartung, medieval engravers, cave paintings, Bach, Martha Graham, Russian constructivists, Zen gardens, Taoism, Asian ceramics, voluptuous furniture, Antonioni films, royal silk embroidery, decadence, asceticism.